Yes! At least I have through the Karen Morgan interview--- quite compelling. I will share with my wife tonight.
Again, you guys do an absolutely outstanding job. Each time I listen to an episode, I'm impressed all over again.
hi guys,.
we've released a brand new jw podcast episode!
listen to it here -
Yes! At least I have through the Karen Morgan interview--- quite compelling. I will share with my wife tonight.
Again, you guys do an absolutely outstanding job. Each time I listen to an episode, I'm impressed all over again.
yep, i joined 12 years ago today.
just thought i'd do a drive by and a shout out.
i'm still happy to be free.
great quotes viewed with jw's in mind_______________________________________ some people die at 25 and arent buried until 75. benjamin franklin________________________________________________jehovahs witnesses stop growing, improving, learning when they accept the watchtowers misnamed truth.
lost souls waiting at a bus stop for a bus that never comes; all the great things they could have done, people they could have helped, productive lives they could have led are suffocated by standing there waiting for armageddon to solve every problem for them.___________________________________________________ most people are other people.
their thoughts are someone elses opinions.
Great list!
I think you could fit this one in there as well:
"We are what we pretend to be" - Kurt Vonnegut
the first trailer has been released!
true confession - i'm kind of a geek, always loved star wars and it gave me a bit of a lady boner.
anyone who knows the franchise is probably familiar with the character wedge antilles.
I actually quite liked the 3rd one, if only for the scenes Ian McDiarmid is in. He just chews up the screen, in my opinion...
Same here. Only one of the three I purchased. McDiarmid makes the film (actually he does a great job in all three).
CANTLEAVE - that's great stuff!
so many witnesses lost the opportunity to pursue higher education in their youths.
perhaps it took decades for many here to leave and now feel it is too late.
degree you will also earn multiple certifications from other agencies:.
Great subject for a thread AK.
I am currently attending a state university full-time, and being a state resident, I think the tuition is reasonable and the education I'm recieving is second to none.
I will end up with a BS and BA (double majoring) and not have one cent of debt.
Anyone who is interested in attending university, try ONE course. That's how I started.
I dragged myself to classes, had no life and had to spend hours getting help for algerba. I spent hours writing papers .
Yep. Sounds like me!
the first trailer has been released!
true confession - i'm kind of a geek, always loved star wars and it gave me a bit of a lady boner.
anyone who knows the franchise is probably familiar with the character wedge antilles.
Also, that's not a hilt guard, but a found, ancient lightsaber that needed to "exhaust" some of the enegy that the blade produced.
Interesting. . . I thought that looked a bit exhaust-y.
the first trailer has been released!
true confession - i'm kind of a geek, always loved star wars and it gave me a bit of a lady boner.
anyone who knows the franchise is probably familiar with the character wedge antilles.
The sith are back...? That just invalidated the first six movies, the whole premise of which preported to bring balance to the force by the distruction of the sith.
Kind of like when "new light" invalidates a century's worth of doctrine. . . .
after a thorough investigation and weighing of the evidence the grand jury has decided not to indict the officer.. the reaction so far seems as predicted - people refuse to accept that the result represents justice despite claims that is what they wanted.. there is now violence and vandalism, including gunshots.
let's hope the police contain the troublemakers.. .
BTW can't disadvantaged people - black or white - ignore negative imagery? I mean, they're capable of independent thought, right?
Hell, even I can't ignore negative imagery. I keep looking at this thread!
the latest blast of "jehovah's trumpet" warns us about the irrational nature of common superstitions.... the article then goes on to provide counsel on the dangers of the domonic attacks that often result from unwisely purchasing second-hand objects.
the risk is demonstrated by recounting the real-life story of poor sister lemming and her new ministry bag.. genius satire as always!
please take some time to read the community comments.. .
As usual, an outstanding "blast" from Jehovahs Trumpet!
the first trailer has been released!
true confession - i'm kind of a geek, always loved star wars and it gave me a bit of a lady boner.
anyone who knows the franchise is probably familiar with the character wedge antilles.
I thought the trailer was fantastic. I think the new director will infuse some life into what became a moribund series over the past three movies.
Side Story:
I remember being a kid in the early 80s -- after Empire Strikes Back but before Jedi -- worrying terribly that ARMAGEDDON would come before Jedi was released!
And here I am, almost thirty years later awaiting the SEVENTH Star Wars movie. . . .